

ka·lei·do·scope   /kəˈlaɪdəˌskoʊp/ noun

a continually shifting pattern, scene, or the like: The 1920s were a kaleidoscope of fads and fashions.

Reading my blog is like looking into a Kaleidoscope. I write about anything that is of interest to me at the time. Everytime you pick it up, you never know what your eyes will see - don't say I didn't warn you =)

Monday 3 September 2012

Einstein Favorites - Birth of Venus

This is and has always been my favorite painting (nothing to do with the soft nudity, really) - Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus holds a special place in my heart. A place that even Da Vinci's work can't touch. I am not an artist nor am I well-versed with paintings and their elements. However, I do like to think that I know a true beauty when I lay eyes on it, even when the beauty is inside. Beauty speaks to me like chatterboxes in a taxi. Here it is:

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