

ka·lei·do·scope   /kəˈlaɪdəˌskoʊp/ noun

a continually shifting pattern, scene, or the like: The 1920s were a kaleidoscope of fads and fashions.

Reading my blog is like looking into a Kaleidoscope. I write about anything that is of interest to me at the time. Everytime you pick it up, you never know what your eyes will see - don't say I didn't warn you =)

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Jesus To A Child

No amount of love shard btwin 2 mortals 2day or evn da mortals of yestaday nd 2mrw cn begin 2 gve u a clear picture of da kind of love shard btwin a divine creature such as Jesus nd a pure soul such as a child's.Ther iz no level of respect tht anybdy cn show anada tht matches da kind of respect Jesus generates 4rm a Child.Ther iz no Santa Claus,n0 Ferrari-toy,no Barbie doll nd no amount of candy tht cn stand substitute 4 Jesus even 4a second in a child's lyf.Ther iz a high degree of undastandn btwin these 2 wonders.A child's soul in 2day's language,is fresh out of da box - str8 4rm da Soul of da World(as Paulo Coelho readers wud say).It knws al thngz coz it hs nt yet been touchd by da vewi hand tht plays da strngs on da harp of evil.It knws tht certain music cn only mean sumthng bd iz bowt 2happn. Jst as we al cn tel a lot bowt da forthcumin scene in a James Bond or Vampire Diaries thriller jst by l2 da pitch of da music.

But we fail 2 recognise da soundtrack of evil tht iz playin in our lives.Perhaps if we cud al strive 2b 'forever young' lyk Jay nd Mr.
 Hudson,we wudnt b calld 2 folly as often as we r nw

Children accept what they are told - FAITH. Children look forward to a better tomorrow - HOPE. Children know about trust, charity and grace - LOVE. Remain young at heart and maintain the kind of relationship that was once established between you and the Saviour. And witness how great love is - from Jesus to a Child.

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