

ka·lei·do·scope   /kəˈlaɪdəˌskoʊp/ noun

a continually shifting pattern, scene, or the like: The 1920s were a kaleidoscope of fads and fashions.

Reading my blog is like looking into a Kaleidoscope. I write about anything that is of interest to me at the time. Everytime you pick it up, you never know what your eyes will see - don't say I didn't warn you =)

Wednesday 22 August 2012


I like to think of myself as:


A wise man once said: "We do not attract the things we want, but rather, we attract the things we are". So I hope it does not come as a suprise to you, the reader, when I possess qualities that spell out a person's name. A person who has been there for me from the word GO, a lady who takes her time to hear me blab about my silly encounters, a friend who questions my logic and tests my intelligence. A fascinating being that shares with me, everything life has to offer to her. =) Dear Reader, only the Pope knows what good I have done to deserve such a wonderful person in my life. We have had our ups and downs, but to err is human, to forgive divine. She has looked past my flaws and has come to accept me just the way I am. All the more reason, for me to love her madly. ;-)

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