

ka·lei·do·scope   /kəˈlaɪdəˌskoʊp/ noun

a continually shifting pattern, scene, or the like: The 1920s were a kaleidoscope of fads and fashions.

Reading my blog is like looking into a Kaleidoscope. I write about anything that is of interest to me at the time. Everytime you pick it up, you never know what your eyes will see - don't say I didn't warn you =)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Star Signs

On my Twitter timeline this morning,this other girl had tweeted: "We Libras love attention". And then got to thinking: A lot of people like to hide behind their star signs. Just because you were born in a certain time-frame doesn't mean you have to be "easily angered and stubborn" by default. A lot of people in this world don't own up to their own bad traits.

Being a sapiosexual and thus naturally inquisitive, I turned to google. I wanted to know what other traits people attribute to their star signs. The answer was on a Yahoo forum. And it was by somebody named Haifa ♊•♋. Here is what he/she said:

Aries: easily angered, too competitive, has to be right all the time and controlling.
Taurus: possessive, greedy, stubborn, lazy, explosive and jealous.
Gemini: not two-faced but more like "multiple personalities", fickle, flirty, superficial, cunning, easily bored, restless and tense.
Cancer: clingy, changeable, overemotional, needy, moody and lives in the past.
Leo: arrogant, bossy, intolerant, self-centered, demanding and has unlimited sexual lust.
Virgo: perfectionist, worries a lot, conservative, harsh, overcritical, miserly and strict
Libra: gullible, easily-influenced, flirty, people pleaser, timid and shallow.
Scorpio: dark, jealous, obsessive, secretive, controlling and resentful
Sagittarius: brutally honest, careless, irresponsible, superficial, restless, hates being tied down, annoyingly optimistic, and a player.
Capricorn: too serious, strict, workaholics, grudging, miserly, pessimistic and unspontaneous.
Aquarius: aloof, unemotional, detached, perverse, contrary, unpredictable, cold, and loners.
Pisces: too much fantasies, idealistic, escapist, easily-led, secretive, too-sensitive, always seems to be "lost" and easily hurt.

If my Leo male friends were to see this, they would have a "valid" reason for being sex addicts. So if me and my woman conceive a child today, he/she will probably be born sometime in July. Making the baby: Cancer. Making the poor baby "clingy, changeable, over-emotional, needy, moody and living in the past" just because... Aaargh, please man

True Religion

This Miss Understood that Religion was an invisible divide. So her only flaw was having an apartment floor filled with True Religion. Jeans more than genes her Mother gave her. Diesels gave her fuel but in her True Religion she fit in. True Religion,we call it expensive taste. Plate collection time, she tells you the price and it brings you to your knees. True Religion and the broke bitches pray for a pair. But this Miss Understood. Like a rare disease and she's the only that gets it. Quite shocking,like a chapter of Revelations. You buy someone a pair and they give you that Corinthians 13 type-love. You buy blue jeans for this blue blood and she tells you "No thanks, I have enough till Judgment Day". Can't call her a dirty hoe, she's cleaner than an India Arie song. No profanity,she stays True to her Religion. You say you are a stallion in bed but her shirts say Polo and her car is a Ferrari so that's the only Horse-power she needs.

You thought she was shallow till you asked her about her True Religion and she said: "If God was one of us, we wouldn't spend time living our lives fully but all trying to get closer to the man we love the most. Only to criticize his invention once given the chance. You don't know the inventor of the PlayStation still you love it. Maybe because of all the games it let's you play. Boys will be boys. Please let me be, its hard playing a game you don't know the rules of. Worse still,what is the score and who keeps it?"